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Daddy: “While I wasn’t Next to You physically when you died, I knew we were never faraway.”

Since I was 16 years old and my father passed away, I found out that all those religious classes in Catholic school, Gospel readings from the New Testament and homilies in Church were not just words. It was all real. There is a Heaven!  Those closest to us want to “tell” us, when they’re close to dying or once they have passed to a better life, what is behind the curtain. The communication is through dreams, signs or plain words. We just need to open our hearts and listen. It’s not just words that Jesus said when He resurrected, it’s not just to make us feel better, it’s not just that we have lived this life because science created us and then "poof" we disappear. Why do you believe the scientists and not Jesus Christ that came more than 2,000 years ago?  I have proof. I feel like I am smarter than all those that don’t want to believe and I don't care how many PHDs they have.  It’s great to believe I have a purpose in life. I am blessed because through faith I know all this facts. Facts?  How can I call them facts?  I rather be crazy in your eyes than live without faith.  Yes, in my eyes they are facts.

I was always in the middle of a conversation or someone wanted to tell me their story, until one day I decided to share these stories. This is not only for me. Why would I keep this to myself?  Those that are going through the most difficult time in their life, need me or even better they need to hear the stories that so many have to tell. The reason you are reading these lines is not coincidence, it’s "Godincidence".  Share them, tell the stories to those in need, and send me your stories.  

We should always be hopeful, never hopeless.  

I had no idea when my father died that I was going to get a message that I was going to write about 38 years later , but now it makes sense. He sent me a message and I was going to share his message.  I hope to one day meet God face to face and to reunite with all those that I have ever loved.


My purpose is that through these stories you don't ever have a doubt again.   

Don't hesitate to send me your story and I will share it in this same blog, someone might need to hear your story.


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